I took my cat to the vet today for her annual checkup. She clearly wasn’t a fan of the adventure, meowing sadly in the car and while being given a shot.

She would have every right to resent what I did and stay away from me tonight. But she’s right here next to me as usual, showing her belly and purring when I pet her.

Unconditional love.

I’ve always felt that WordPress was overkill to run my blog. Thinking about alternatives, there are a lot of static site generators but they all seem to assume or require the use of the command line.

Way back in the day, I used iBlog for Mac, a desktop app that did whatever it needed under the hood to generate files and upload them to .Mac. Is there no such thing anymore?

It would be cool for MarsEdit to support static site generation.

With the snow that fell the other day, I finally got to go for a snow ride with my Radster Trail today. The 3” tires have great traction and that went really well. This summer I tended to feel they were overkill, but in the winter it’s perfect.

I’ve refused to work at big tech companies like Google and Facebook for a long time, and I hope the number of tech companies that other people aspire to work at has shrunk in recent weeks too. I really do.

Life is too short to donate your time and intellectual powers to companies that cater to the dark side.

I had a bad dream—at what point does it become a nightmare?—the other night where I was very upset with people for not understanding how important the climate emergency is.

I used to post about climate a lot more. It was a conscious decision on my part to cut down on voicing my thoughts on the matter. The number one reason is my personal well-being and emotional health. Reading the news and seeing where the world is heading triggers more anxiety than I can handle.

We finished watching Disclaimer on Apple TV+ tonight. It’s very well told, directed, and acted. I also think it’s an important story. This is probably the most powerful story on the topic of rape and the extent to which women will go to avoid talking about it that I’ve ever heard. The final episode unraveled a great deal of plot questions, including to me why Cate Blanchett accepted to play that role. Challenging and illuminating.

I just saw a video title on CBC, “Can EVs really handle the cold?” There’s also a car company running ads on TV where a salesperson tells a customer how cheap it is to run an EV.

It’s so weird to me that we’re still explaining those things. Makes me wish we had been at this point in the transition 20 years ago.

We were at the PWHL game between Montreal and Toronto today. It was great fun! It was heartwarming to see how many girls were present, lined up along the boards during warmup with their signs on the glass, visibly excited to watch their role models up-close.

The game was very entertaining with good action back and forth. I wasn’t sure who to root for but it’s a game I couldn’t lose. I celebrated all goals and in the end I was happy that Montreal won 14 seconds into overtime.

When I was a kid growing up in French and the United States were known as “les États-Unis”, I asked my mom why they call it “America”. She said it’s because they live “en Amérique”. And I said , in French, ”but so do we”.

Decades later, I’m still puzzled by this.

One day I will get an email saying that due to circumstances out of their control, the price of the service is going down.

One day.

It’s so great today to see Dianna aka Physics Girl talking to us and sharing herself how she’s doing via Instagram. What an amazing journey she’s been on, and it’s heartwarming to see she’s making progress.

We got tickets to the PWHL Montreal vs Toronto game in December. I’m so excited! It’s gonna be great. Can’t wait!

Now the only problem is, who to root for?

The city where I live touts itself as bike friendly. You know where this is going.

Last weekend I rode my bike down to the lake. To get there, I have to take the overpass across the highway. The overpass has a bike lane, yay, but it crosses the highway entrance ramp. In that spot, cars are accelerating. One roared by me doing at least 70 km/h the last time.

Every time, I wonder if the mayor would want their kids to be doing this on their bike. I really want them to come and try this out.

We Met on eWorld

In a few months it will be 30 years since I met my wife on eWorld.

I sometimes joke that we invented the concept of Internet dating and we’re getting royalties.

But we do wonder how many other couples out there met specifically on eWorld and are still together to tell the tale?

Pipe up if you did!

My daughter remarked that our printer is still printing fine even though we’ve been gleefully ignoring its complaints about the toner being low for almost 7 years now.

That’s not a typo.

Seven. Years.

Don’t believe your printer ever again.

You know when you’ve heard a song a hundred times before, but one time out of the blue you happen to listen, really listen, and it’s this whole little gem you never realized was there before?

I had that moment with Patty Griffin’s song Rain as I was testing my new AirPods today.

That’s all.

Funny how roads cost millions to build and drivers get to use them for free, but suggest for public transport to be used by pedestrians for free and hear the protest about how many millions that’s going to cost.

I twisted my ankle pretty badly this morning walking off the back deck. X-ray shows no fracture but I managed to wreck a couple ligaments. This means I have to wear a brace and take it easy for the next six weeks. “Won’t that be fun??”

I miss when Apple was the underdog. As someone who was a Mac user in the mid-90s, it was a thrill to watch them grow in the 2000s. But now every decision they make affects millions of people. It’s just not possible to make everybody happy, and every little flaw is magnified. At this point it feels like they’re too often just plain wrong and it’s sad.

People are complaining about the escalation of permission requests in macOS (and iOS), but we seem to forget that this path was set by Steve Jobs himself at Re/code in 2010 when asked what privacy meant:

Ask them. Ask them every time. Make them tell you to stop asking them if they get tired of your asking them.

A statement from Jobs that I disagreed with if there ever was one.

I started using Raycast recently and I’m starting to get the hang of it, or rather, starting to think in terms of what it can do for me. That’s me coming from Quicksilver for which I was sad when it stopped working properly ages ago.

The UI of Raycast is rather sparse-slash-plain. Let’s face it the name is also a little cryptic. But I’m slowly warming up to it and the free version actually includes a good set of core functionalities to get started.

Wife: He’s retiring so he’s not gonna run for the next election.

Me: Oh so he’s going to walk?

Wife: No he feels that he’s been there long en…

Me: Hey, come on that was a good joke right?

Wife: <crickets>

Well it worked. I received confirmation today that my mom’s pension will resume retroactively to cover the payments she didn’t receive since the spring.

I’m not one to believe in conspiracy theories. But this one sure felt a lot like the system was designed to make people give up.

It’s a huge relief for me that this is resolved.

And I do feel some validation regarding my decision to raise my voice and tell them how upset I was. Sad but sometimes you have to.

I raised my voice and used stern words today with a customer service person and I don’t feel good about it. I did it intentionally, in the sense that I wasn’t reacting and I had planned to raise the intensity a notch before the call. And I think I remained respectful, apologizing to the person, telling her she was very nice and I wasn’t upset with her. But I still don’t like doing it.

It’s because my mom hasn’t received her monthly pension for five months. At this point we’ve called about 10 times. Every time I get some vague reassurance that it’s processing somehow. The company’s a black box. There is zero communication from them. Their system is too complicated for my mom and I know many people would have given up by now.

We have no recourse. The only tool they give us is to talk to a customer service person, so I did what people do that have no other leverage. The poor person committed to escalate and have someone call me back within 3 business days. I hope it’s true this time.

I haven’t checked but I’m pretty sure that the total daily mealtime for my dogs is about 30 seconds.

Last winter I was dreading a fight with Nissan to honour the battery warranty on our old 2016 Leaf. But this week our dealer performed the replacement and I couldn’t be happier. Really A+ service. They were super nice, took care of everything, went above and beyond, and I never had to take out my wallet. Surreal experience, we’re so not used to great service anymore.

Best of all, the car appears to have a larger battery as it reports ~300 km of range on a charge, whereas this car was spec’ed at 172 km in 2016. It’s like having a new car without all the waste associated with switching.

Nissan Leaf dashboard showing 66% charge left on the battery, with 203 km estimated range. 203 / 63% = over 300 km.